On December 14, 2021, the Official Gazette of Paraguay published Law No. 6867, which amends and extends Law No. 4986/2013 creating the SAUCE (sistema unificado de atención empresarial para la apertura y cierre de empresas – unified business assistance system for the opening and closing of companieS).
1. Unified system for business assistance
Article 2 of Law No. 4986/2013 is amended, which provides for the operation of SUACE as a single window, through a digital platform for the entry of requests for the procedures required for the opening and closing of businesses to facilitate, streamline, and make such processes transparent, as well as to unify statistical data and implement public incentive policies for the business sector, service providers, industrial parks, and other commercial entities.
2. Suace member institutions
The following institutions will be considered as members of the SUACE:
- Ministry of Industry and Commerce
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Security
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of the Interior
- Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Social Security Institute
- National Customs Directorate
- National Development Bank
- Municipalities
- General Public Registries Directorate
3. Directorate of administrative records abd verification
The following functions will be in charge of this office:
- To coordinate, maintain and unify the database of the administrative registries under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
- To verify the implementation of the nomenclatures and classifiers for each registry and the preparation of an appropriate form to enable the collection of the necessary information.
- To propose the signing of agreements with the public and private sector that may be useful for the fulfillment of its functions.
- To prepare a registry and keep updated the database of individuals and/or legal entities that provide advice to investors who come to the SUACE.
4. Regulation
The Executive Power shall regulate the law within a term not exceeding 30 days.
Source: Gaceta Oficial 15/12/21